Faculty & Staff Resources

Collaborating to Ensure Student Success

Faculty and staff serve as important resources for students throughout their career at Eureka College and beyond. From job specific questions to recommendation letters to providing professional networking connections, faculty and staff can help students and alumni succeed.



Faculty members play an integral role in the for-credit internship process. The Faculty Supervisor, who has agreed to supervise the experience, has the opportunity to indicate if there will be additional requirements that will be evaluated along with the student’s actual performance at the site and how the experience will be supervised. Please see the Intern Requirements and Expectations for a more thorough description of the internship process.

Class Presentations:

Let Career Services bring career‐related information to your class. Workshops and class presentations or resume writing, cover letters, interviewing, networking, job search strategies, online resources as well as employer and alumni presentations. To schedule, contact the Director of Career Services.

Online Resources